ВНИМАНИЕ! У этого обменника есть негативные отзывы.


Начало работы 27.09.2020
Дата последнего обновления 24.07.2024
Адрес сайта Ссылка
Отзывы пользователей 34 / 145
Резерв 924692.50 USD
Dogecoin (DOGE) Stellar (XLM) PayPal Perfect Money Payeer Payoneer AdvCash VISAMASTERCARD Sberbank Online Tether TRC20 (USDT) Tinkoff Tether ERC20 (USDT) PrivatBank MONOBANK Monero (XMR) Cardano (ADA) Tether BEP20 (USDT) TRON (TRX) WebMoney Litecoin (LTC) Ripple (XRP) Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) Kaspibank Skrill Alfa-click Yandex VTB24 Zcash (ZEC) Raiffeisenbank PaySera MIR BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) DASH (DASH) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ether Classic (ETC) WESTERN UNION CASH Union Pay PMVOUCHER Capitalist Alipay National commercial bank of Russia RNCB Oschadbank PUMB
MY24PAY - УНИВЕРСАЛЬНЫЙ СЕРВИС ОБМЕНА ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ВАЛЮТ MY24pay – автоматический онлайн обменник криптовалют. Мы работам с обширным спектром криптовалютных и фиатных направлений. Наши главные приоритеты: -Множественный способ оплаты; -Безопасность средств и пользовательской информации; -Конкурентоспособные лояльные курсы; -Высокоскоростные валютные операции; Наша команда специализированных операторов по обслуживанию клиентов доступна 24/7, чтобы ответить на любые ваши вопросы и помочь вам в процессе перевода. Обменяйте валюту, не выходя из дома, быстро, безопасно и выгодно!


Пожалуйста, Авторизуйтесь или Зарегистрируйтесь для добавления нового отзыва об этом сервисе.

  • The exchanger works flawlessly!

    This is the first time I use this type of service — exchangers, because I have been familiar with cryptocurrency for a relatively short time. I spent a long time looking, studying, choosing, and finally found it! SafelyChange! Just what I needed — it supports virtual cards, verification, however, was successful the second time. In general, what I needed!

    От momoco ( 46.165.250.* ) 2024-07-26 10:23 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий

    I paid for my order and my order was not completed. I kept messaging the support but they ignored me and stole my money and deleted the order. Please stay away from this exchange. They are running a scam just to steal the money of people.

    Operation ID: 41009

    От talal ( 85.15.115.* ) 2024-06-22 11:24 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • My24pay.com Scam Мошенники!!!!1

    Вчера 25 апреля в 11.41 был осуществлен перевод средств 6030 гривен (с комиссией) на счет 4132 8270 1834 0116 JCB "CLEARING HOUSE" , после чего часа ожидания я обратился в поддержку по поводу заявки id40751, поддержка сайта не отвечают и игнорирует сообщения. Я прошу поддержку Okchanger отреагировать на мое сообщение дабы повлиять на обменник так как это были мои последние деньги. Могу могу предоставить все данные по этой операции квитанцию из банка, скриншот самой заявки на сайте Я должен был купить на них еды, я нахожусь в сложной жизненной ситуации поэтому прошу помочь мне. Для всех остальных людей которые будут искать информацию или наткнуться на этот обменник хочу сказать чтобы вы внимательно отнеслись и перепроверяли информацию так как этого не сделал я.

    Yesterday April 25th at 11.41 a transfer of funds 6030 UAH (with a fee) was made to account 4132 8270 1834 0116 JCB "CLEARING HOUSE" , after waiting for an hour I contacted support about the application id40751, the site support does not respond and ignores messages. I ask Okchanger support to respond to my message to influence the exchanger as it was my last money. I had to buy food with it, I am in a difficult life situation so please help me. For all other people who will be looking for information or stumble upon this exchanger I want to tell you to pay attention and double-check the information as I did not.

    Operation ID: ID40751

    От HogVade ( 194.34.132.* ) 2024-04-26 10:37 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Лохотрон.

    2 недели назад оплатил им заявку.
    До сих пор, кроме редких отписок по e-mail, никакого результата.
    Деньги фактически украли.

    P.S. вероятно, все положительные отзывы о них - это ложь

    Operation ID: Id 40442

    От AndreyK ( 79.251.130.* ) 2024-03-18 07:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Не рекомендую!

    Идет 5й день с момента оплаты этой обменке. Ни обмена ни возврата денег. Служба поддержки на сайте игнорирует сообщения.
    Вопрос никак не решается.
    Настоятельно не рекомендую.

    Operation ID: Id40442

    От AndreyK ( 91.0.32.* ) 2024-03-08 12:23 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Обман

    Заявка не осуществлена, деньги не возвращены, поддержка не отвечает.
    Прошу помочь разобраться.


    Operation ID: ID 40342

    От katmandu28 ( 77.73.68.* ) 2024-02-23 12:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • MY24pay do not honor the commitments

    These people are disgusting scammers.

    First, I waited two days for them to complete my order, they simply didn't.
    they asked me to add two more transactions

    The ignored my messages.

    they didn't respond and quietly deleted my order.
    Complete scam, and they flood this page with fake positive reviews, don't fall for it.


    Operation ID: 39807

    От Kumara1973 ( 37.211.20.* ) 2023-12-22 08:35 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Спасибо.

    Спасибо. Трх быстрее чем ожидал. Но на почту не пришло письмо. Ладно.

    От guvcmwore ( 185.220.101.* ) 2023-11-08 07:49 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • my24pay.com to okchanger.com

    If this site is stealing from people, your site should allow people because you have allowed the site to be published.
    Otherwise, you will be convicted of falsifying documents

    От irvi ( 85.239.55.* ) 2023-11-06 02:35 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • scam

    This site makes deposits to some people, it makes deposits from their own people, it only does internet theft for other people, they all cooperate in financial theft.

    От irvi ( 85.239.55.* ) 2023-11-06 02:30 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий

    These people are disgusting scammers.

    First, I waited one month for them to complete my order, they simply didn't.

    Then I finally was able to contact them after they read and ignored my messages for a whole month. They claimed the order didn't exist, and I sent them the link to the order proving it did.

    Then they claimed there was no payment, a complete lie because I showed the blockchain transaction of the order, and an EMAIL CONFIRMATION from them saying the order was paid for. I have all the receipts.

    After realizing they couldn't lie their way out of it, they didn't respond and quietly deleted my order. Complete scam, and they flood this page with fake positive reviews, don't fall for it.


    Operation ID: 39158

    От GepeJis ( 194.36.25.* ) 2023-10-08 07:57 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I will not received my 7 LTC!

    ORDER 39317
    My payment is compleat.
    I wll not received my LTC.

    От Morshed ( 37.111.192.* ) 2023-10-03 01:16 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Scam (мошенники) не отвечает даже поддержка

    Заявка ID 38683 . После оплаты потребовали проверку карты. Никакого ответа не получено, так и висит проверка. Мне нужен был быстрый обмен - прогадал. Поддержка типа читает чат, но не отвечает. Попросил отменить - прочитано (просто после каждого сообщения), ответа нет, ни на сайте ни в Телеграме. Оплата производилось по их реквизитам на банк Пивденный (номер карты 5353050018203874). К сожалению не проверил обменник на отзывы, раньше на такое вообще не попадал.
    Скрин заявки на сайте: https://ibb.co/HPRjqhq
    Скрин отправленной по их требованию фото карты для "верификации": https://ibb.co/TwcvHW8

    Operation ID: 38683

    От elvadere ( 95.67.70.* ) 2023-05-29 08:53 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Мошенники!!!

    Создал заявку ID 38563 12.05.2023 в 20:00. Заявка на проверке уже более 10 суток, поддержка игнорирует каждое мое сообщение, хотя читает их спустя 15 минут!!! Деньги до сих пор не поступили. Прошу администрацию OKCHANGER помочь разобраться в данной ситуации.

    Operation ID: ЗАЯВКА ID 38563

    От Evilbilly ( 188.170.81.* ) 2023-05-22 07:11 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Be aware of scammers my24pay

    This group is a fraud. They stole my money. I tried to contact them for a week but they don't give response. Here is my proof.

    Follow the link below:

    Operation ID: 38469

    От Imerich ( 105.232.245.* ) 2023-05-04 06:48 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Этот сайт является

    This site is fraudulent and fraudulent
    A group of thieves stole my money
    Этот сайт является мошенническим и мошенническим
    Группа воров украла мои деньги

    Operation ID: ЗАЯВКА ID 38481

    От hmabolris ( 82.197.48.* ) 2023-04-30 12:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Быстро

    Быстро и недорого биток на грины

    От urpufyam ( 87.236.197.* ) 2023-04-23 04:23 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Обмен завершен!

    Спустя 12 дней и полного молчания со стороны обменника MY24PAY, лишь только после обращения в тех.поддержку OKCHANGER, заявка на обмен была выполнена. Могу только сказать спасибо OKGHANGER, они все же реагируют на такие ситуации.

    От skm ( 185.210.219.* ) 2023-04-18 07:06 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Константин

    Прошло семь дней!!! Заявка на обмен так и не выполнена! Деньги назад никто не вернул! Тех.поддержка мои запросы игнорирует, почта тоже - ответа нет! Обменник MY24PAY - отпетые МОШЕННИКИ! Сами себе пишут положительные отзывы. Ни кому не советую с ними связываться, потеряете деньги! Написал в тех.поддержку OKChanger, с просьбой убрать данный обменник из их поиска, или пометить его как Мошенники, но к сожалению этого не происходит, похожа оплата за рекламу важнее чем хорошая репутация!

    Operation ID: 38308

    От skm ( 193.0.217.* ) 2023-04-12 12:41 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Мошенники!

    Похоже и я встрял с этим обменником! Сделал обмен перевел им деньги, но на свою карту так и не получил! Тех.поддержка не отвечает, хотя и находится Online, Номер телефона авто ответчик, Telegram тоже не отвечает. По всем признакам похоже на мошенников.

    Operation ID: 38308

    От skm ( 146.70.28.* ) 2023-04-05 12:54 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Нормально

    Нормальный обмен, по хорошей цене и быстро.

    От trolor ( 45.95.11.* ) 2023-04-03 05:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Курс адекватный

    Рипллы обменял нормально все работает. Курс адекватный.

    От georgspet ( 5.189.221.* ) 2023-03-25 04:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Не работают направления обмена

    На сайте куча указанных направлений на обмен UAH но не одно не работает, а сервис просто врет что они у него есть для привлечения пользователей.

    От Ametvile ( 91.225.197.* ) 2023-03-10 01:55 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Scam

    They don't reply properly. They received our payment and 19 hours passed but they don't want to complete our order or refund money. When we asked them about the order their reply is only this : you were answered yesterday
    OKchange adds any website if they pay 300 USD! it's very risky !

    Operation ID: 37928

    От Exwallets ( 149.3.72.* ) 2023-02-21 08:53 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • money theft fraud

    A fraud company steals money. If you transfer money to them, it will not be returned. They are thieves. They will not answer your messages, and your money will not be returned. They stole me, and the parent company okchenger is also a company that steals you and deals with it. It steals money and the money will never return to you.
    شركة نصابة وتسرق المال ان حولت لهم المال لن يرجع انهم لصوص لن يجيبو على مراسلاتك ولن يرجع مالك لقد سرقوني والشركة الام okchenger هي ايضا شركة سرقة اياكم والتعامل معها انها تسرق المال ولن يعود المال اليك ابدا
    Компания-мошенник ворует деньги.Если вы переведете им деньги, то они не вернутся.Они воры.На ваши сообщения не ответят,и ваши деньги не вернутся.Они меня украли,и головная компания окченгер тоже компания, которая крадет вас и занимается этим, она ворует деньги, и деньги никогда не вернутся к вам.

    Operation ID: 37918

    От N ( 217.17.136.* ) 2023-02-20 03:02 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fraudulent site MY24pay

    I deposited 5200 dollars to Perfect Money to convert to Web Money, but they did not give me the money and they are not responsive.

    Operation ID: 37827

    От Amirhabibi ( 31.2.135.* ) 2023-02-11 07:01 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Transaction never completed, no response from customer care (Ethereum to Paypal) order ID 37580

    I made a transaction from My Ethereum wallet to paypal on 28th dec 2022 on My24pay website and its not been processed yet.
    Have tried to email them but no response
    Tried to chat with them and am not answered even once despite them claiming that they are online 24/7.
    I am tired, now i just want my money back if they cannot process the transaction to completion.
    My order ID is 37580

    Operation ID: 37580

    От charlie ( 41.81.157.* ) 2022-12-29 10:10 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fraud service (they got 2561.47 USD to AdvCash and never paid to Monobank)

    Scammers, they got 2561.47 USD to AdvCash and never paid to Monobank. First their wallet "had a limit" and operator through chat provided another wallet to transfer money, after I transferred the sum, she never replied to me and deleted this wallet number from the chat history. But I screened and saved it before the transfer.

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/120gkOUplpW1hZP1aLc1sPBnhJ0G8hjby/view?usp=sharing - conversation
    Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jfhfQ2WWyuv8RVBBXy-T1Wr1eLWjWk14/view?usp=sharing

    Operation ID: 37468

    От Sergii ( 175.140.97.* ) 2022-12-16 08:47 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I am delighted with your service

    Very fast exchange. Instant delivery with no hassle. I recommend

    От vospa ( 89.163.144.* ) 2022-12-15 06:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fraud service (they got 2561.47 USD to AdvCash and never paid to Monobank)

    Scammers, they got 2561.47 USD to AdvCash and never paid to Monobank. First their wallet "had a limit" and operator through chat provided another wallet to transfer money, after I transferred the sum, she never replied to me and deleted this wallet number from the chat history. But I screened and saved it before the transfer.

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/120gkOUplpW1hZP1aLc1sPBnhJ0G8hjby/view?usp=sharing - conversation
    Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jfhfQ2WWyuv8RVBBXy-T1Wr1eLWjWk14/view?usp=sharing

    Operation ID: 37468

    От Sergii ( 175.140.97.* ) 2022-12-13 01:01 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I don't recommend it to anyone!,

    I don't recommend it to anyone!, you paid your money and then they don't answer, they only pay you if you beg for your money, I trusted the positive comments, I also asked the customer service how long the money, exchange takes, I got the answer that I would receive it within five minutes, but I didn't receive it they didn't answer my question on the chat. They didn't even respond by email. I wrote to them that if they don't pay, I'll write a negative comment. Within a minute, I received a reply telling them not to write a comment, then I'll pay. I finally paid, but I don't recommend it to anyone! Most of the positive comments are a scam!!!

    От norbert ( 185.128.26.* ) 2022-11-01 02:04 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий

    They dont pay my order paypal eyro to perfect money euro
    i aske my refaund money

    От feidon1971 ( 62.38.74.* ) 2022-09-22 02:10 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Good exchanger, good service.

    You guys are a great team! I wish you all the best and the development of your business! instant transfers and reliability is about you! The service will always support and help)

    От sahafal ( 154.28.188.* ) 2022-08-05 09:13 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий

    ID 36766

    They received your money then said it was on checking, and never replied to the message. Your money will never come back, never trust these sites with good exchange rates.

    I have the same problem with 24atm.net (ID 52984, https://24atm.net/hst_NgfmsfIbsSp7V5PFRPhSUcIQMpVJyQBVmG4/), they are one.

    Operation ID: 36766

    От harry ( 125.212.157.* ) 2022-08-05 04:21 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • We did not receive payment for this exchange. Это ложь!

    Подтверждение оплаты принято.
    Ваша заявка обрабатывается оператором.

    Отдаете: 400 Tether TRC20 USDT
    Получаете: 14104 Приват24 UAH , На счет: --------------45
    Время изменения статуса: 03.06.2022, 14:29
    Статус заявки: Заявка на проверке

    Operation ID: 36409

    От 12scorp ( 93.79.76.* ) 2022-07-31 09:56 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • One of the best exchangers.

    The exchange is always very fast. My24pay is always ready to help if there are difficulties, which, in fact, are extremely rare. Thanks to the exchange team!

    От lurzejup ( 193.176.86.* ) 2022-07-04 07:05 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Мошенники!

    Таки мошенники! Заявка 36409. Месяц уже, как подтверждение оплаты принято, а статус заявки "на проверке",поддержка не отвечает, $400 украли!

    От 12scorp ( 93.79.76.* ) 2022-07-03 04:47 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • scam site

    i send 1100$ and nothing send…..
    scam site i send 1100$ and nothing send to me
    ID 35989
    TX ID: 0afed2b168c1694df26d88a205b510ecf58fff54dc955162ec70d413ea59259f

    Operation ID: 35989

    От blackerror ( 188.240.57.* ) 2022-06-19 09:37 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Don't trust them a penny

    Exchange rates at my24pay.com look great. I almost bought it.

    What stopped me from dealing with my24pay.com? Bad experience with another "exchanger" - 24atm.net. 232 WMZ. Both are the same under different names.

    My24pay.com looks very similar to the leader of negative comments - 24atm.net. Both of them behave similarly when it comes to execute a transaction. Just read comments of real users who lost their moneys with these "exchangers".

    And also check both websites of 24atm.net and my24pay.com. Pay attention to the terms of service. You will be amazed :)

    Do not read fake positive comments. Read documents (at their websites) and claims (below).

    Now. Will you trust them a penny?

    I believe you have just saved your money by not transferring to fake "exchangers". The only thing they exchange is the wallet for your money - from your wallet to their wallet.

    От sz ( 185.220.102.* ) 2022-06-15 09:01 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • четвертые сутки заявка на проверке

    ЗАЯВКА ID 36409
    Подтверждение оплаты принято.
    Ваша заявка обрабатывается оператором.

    Отдаете: 400 Tether TRC20 USDT
    Получаете: 14104 Приват24 UAH , На счет:
    Время изменения статуса: 03.06.2022, 14:29
    Статус заявки: Заявка на проверке

    поддержка не отвечает.
    MY24pay $400 получил, клиент больше не нужен, похоже на мошенничесто...

    Operation ID: ID 36409

    От 12scorp ( 93.79.76.* ) 2022-06-07 08:58 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you, the money has arrived.

    Everything is fine, the transfer was completed in a matter of minutes (I didn’t even have time to drink a cup of coffee) Thank you! I recommend to all.

    От geknom ( 45.136.153.* ) 2022-05-30 03:15 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • no money scam scam scam

    7 days ago and nothing

    Operation ID: 36337

    От mahmood ( 93.230.21.* ) 2022-05-27 08:01 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • ORDER ID 36218 in my24pay.com

    I have been contacted by the site. That they are resolving my issue and sending my funds subject to removal of my negative comment, i am removing the negative comment, hope to get my funds

    От Shahzad ( 123.253.92.* ) 2022-05-06 11:08 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • scam site

    scam site
    i send 1100$ and nothing send…
    scam site i send 1100$ and nothing send to me
    ID 35989
    TX ID: 0afed2b168c1694df26d88a205b510ecf58fff54dc955162ec70d413ea59259f

    Operation ID: 35989

    От blackerror ( 23.106.56.* ) 2022-04-28 10:56 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • All good

    Successfully exchanged my money. There were some problems that were solved by support. Thanks!

    От and50 ( 185.82.72.* ) 2022-04-25 03:34 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Quickly and efficiently.

    I change often. The consultant quickly resolves issues if problems arise. I advise the exchanger.

    От papsobi ( 143.244.35.* ) 2022-04-25 04:25 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you so much for the fast exchange!

    I constantly use only these exchangers and I am always calm that my exchanges come quickly! You guys are great!

    От zurzu ( 54.37.18.* ) 2022-04-19 04:15 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I use this exchange only

    More than 15 transactions. Even in some emergency situations that sometimes happen, there have never been any disagreements, everything is adequate humanly.

    От girdiz ( 134.209.227.* ) 2022-04-18 11:05 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • scam scam scam

    scam site i send 1100$ and nothing send to me
    ID 35989
    TX ID: 0afed2b168c1694df26d88a205b510ecf58fff54dc955162ec70d413ea59259f

    after sending money no one ansewr i send to him in email and chate and call

    if you send just small ammount it will pass the payment but in big they take the money and make your order dealated


    Operation ID: 35989

    От blackerror ( 85.26.164.* ) 2022-04-16 02:18 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great service with great speed.

    Chose because it was the best course. The exchange went through almost immediately. Thanks!

    От godrov ( 149.56.132.* ) 2022-04-12 04:26 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Reliable exchange.

    Reliable exchange. They change very quickly and at a good rate. Definitely recommend

    От triges ( 95.215.45.* ) 2022-04-11 12:12 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thanks for sharing

    Everything is super, the transfer to the card came within 2 minutes. Not the first time I use this exchanger and will use in the future

    От nakkub ( 84.17.34.* ) 2022-04-04 07:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • отправить мои деньги

    они не отправили мои деньги

    Operation ID: 35905

    От Tofiqq ( 5.178.15.* ) 2022-04-02 02:59 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • MY24pay is the coolest exchanger!!!

    MY24pay is the coolest exchanger!!! I recommend!!! Payments are always without delay and always at favorable rates!!!

    От magnacif ( 51.68.141.* ) 2022-03-28 08:34 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • My24pay.com деньги не вернет -на связь не выйдет

    первый обмен осуществит, потом все. сам сайт "OKChanger" в случае жуликов даже не блокирует эти обменники.

    От alexx_luch ( 23.106.56.* ) 2022-03-19 05:52 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you very much . I recommend!!

    You will not see such an exchanger in dreams. Everything is amazing, there are no words. Fast and convenient. It is a pity that not everyone knows about it yet, I will tell my friends. The guys just do a great job.

    От derdav ( 185.32.221.* ) 2022-03-17 06:19 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • George

    I exchanged $1500 worth Btc to perfect money and my order hasn’t been completed for the 18hrs… this is so terrible, customer service is not responding… SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! deposit my money to my wallet my transaction ID is 35747...They moderating negative comment on their website and paying people for new positive comments

    Operation ID: 35747

    От Georgegiano ( 185.203.218.* ) 2022-03-16 05:04 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    Great exchanger! The guys put all their efforts into his work. The exchanges of everything work like clockwork. I have been working with them for a year, support is always responsive and does not delay with answers. A big plus is that they have a small commission and you need a minimum amount for the exchange, i.e. very comfortably. I recommend this exchanger to everyone! Respect to the guys for the work!

    От drosek ( 54.37.73.* ) 2022-03-15 06:29 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Totally dissapointed

    I placed my order on feb 16 and paid 500 usd for it.

    I have been waiting for completion since, but my funds haven't arrived.

    I'm thinking that this is a real scam.

    Operation ID: 35511

    От daedalus ( 179.29.66.* ) 2022-03-15 06:01 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Заявка на проверке с 24.02.2022

    Статус заявки: Заявка на проверке с 24.02.2022
    Поддержка не отвечает ни по одному из каналов.

    Operation ID: 35591

    От Titarc0m ( 62.122.202.* ) 2022-03-13 08:10 3 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchanger is fire!

    First of all, everything is very intuitive! Secondly, the transaction is instant! Third, great support! Thanks to!

    От fotrivik ( 174.138.1.* ) 2022-03-10 06:23 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I use it regularly.

    The best rates and processing speed. Today I was convinced of the impeccability of the support. Made a mistake in translation. I contacted support, they solved it in 2 minutes. Thanks )

    От mokkocar ( 142.93.208.* ) 2022-03-02 06:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Application processed quickly and accurately

    For the first time I used this exchanger, I was satisfied with the service. Everything was done promptly and at the right rate.

    От cutrare ( 37.139.7.* ) 2022-02-28 07:26 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • just made my first order

    I made my first order to purchase 800 USD worth of eth on this page for the first time to receive perfect money. I gave them the transaction number and tried contacting them via WhatsApp, live web, and all but every time I chatted on the live chat they seem to go down and avoid having any conversation. Please okchanger can try to check whats the big deal? I just lost 800usd for no reason and they are avoiding

    Operation ID: my24pay

    От dante ( 210.113.127.* ) 2022-02-27 09:36 6 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Очень быстро!

    Перевел с Перфектмани на Сбер за две минуты по выгодному курсу!

    От spacad6 ( 176.96.230.* ) 2022-02-21 04:06 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I express my gratitude to you.

    I change here not for the first time, I have never been disappointed. The course is excellent, translations are processed quickly. Everything is at hand, everything is visible, the exchange is convenient. Operational feedback. Thank you for your professional approach!

    От lulmij ( 134.122.41.* ) 2022-02-21 06:11 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everyone is happy!

    First time using this resource. Very convenient and easy to use. And the transfer speed is good.

    От drefar ( 54.36.110.* ) 2022-02-15 05:41 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Only positive feedback.

    There are no others and cannot be at this exchanger. As always, all operations with the financial part and support are on top. I definitely recommend to everyone.

    От depilmi ( 176.126.83.* ) 2022-02-09 05:56 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    Technical support helped to resolve the issues that arose in seconds. I advise everyone.

    От forduf ( 51.68.205.* ) 2022-02-03 05:59 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Operatively. Profitable. Conveniently.

    What was especially pleasing was the quick response of support and the quick transfer of funds. Thanks!

    От joknol ( 147.135.11.* ) 2022-01-28 06:38 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Please I need answer

    Hello all, Good luck to who receive his money. just I want to know if they are answer you from my24pay.com . because I am trying to contact them everyday in 2 months ago nobody answer me ? I made my Order ID 34848 on 25 November 2021 please show me the way .... thanks

    От BoGazi ( 188.70.63.* ) 2022-01-28 09:00 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Convenient site

    Convenient site, favorable rate, polite operator answered all my 1000 questions, for which many thanks to her. The application was completed in about 10 minutes and it was confirmed in about the same time. Well done, will definitely be back again

    От kagnep ( 167.99.249.* ) 2022-01-28 06:34 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Recommend .

    The first time I withdraw money through MY24pay. I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and speed. I will definitely continue to use this exchanger.

    От pakko ( 143.244.132.* ) 2022-01-27 09:44 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is fine! You are best!

    Good exchanger, good feedback. Operators have already helped more than once with my mistakes.

    От repod ( 159.65.23.* ) 2022-01-25 10:25 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Excellent service

    Excellent service, which I have been using for the past few months. Displayed on the map quickly and the course is always excellent

    От vamliv ( 139.99.159.* ) 2022-01-24 05:55 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Excellent exchanger just super I advise everyone

    Friendly and polite staff is what really makes you look here again and again. All the guys are great, I can make exchanges at night—always in touch

    От deyda ( 167.99.90.* ) 2022-01-21 07:51 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Guys, you are amazing!

    Thank you very much! Helped from the very registration to the completion of the exchange! Explained down to the smallest detail. This is a big plus. I will only work with you. There is something to compare, in our time it is very difficult to find a reliable exchanger and online support. I wish you prosperity!

    От jespele ( 54.37.18.* ) 2022-01-18 06:28 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for such a kind approach!

    Today I made an exchange on this exchanger. I really needed it urgently. The consultant helped. Everything came within 10 minutes. Thank you for such a kind approach. I recommend this exchange!

    От hesta ( 51.68.142.* ) 2022-01-17 07:58 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • after 3 days they paid off

    After three days sending messages and posting comment here eventually the support sent me an email and said delete the negative comment and after that they gave my money back.

    От l_alireza ( 212.64.210.* ) 2022-01-15 08:12 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Convenient service

    Everything went smoothly and efficiently. The support is very correct. The service works great. I wish the service prosperity and success. I recommend and recommend to everyone!

    От nastif ( 69.28.95.* ) 2022-01-14 05:26 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Complicated Experience

    On 10th of January this year. I requested exchange of my 0.001469 Bitcoin to Visa Card transfer but till today (14th of January) there was not change in the status and no support.
    Despite of fact that in their website it is mentioned that they are available 24/7 for their beloved clients and they choose name my24pay shows that they are available for our services any time.
    Several times they saw my messages on the live chat but one time reply didn't come back and even I email them with brief order details and requirements. Still there wasn't any reponse until or unless I registered my complaint on okchanger website with full of negative complaints so that upcoming clients can see, read, understand and make a decision to be far from these kind of fake exchange dealers.
    Below is my old comment in inverted commas by which suddenly sleeping live chat option came into "life" and also I got email that please delete your negative reviews and we are gonna refund your payment. As well as they said that we were trying to send payment on your card but because of your bank, payment was getting cancelled. Hundred times I got payment from exchange services as "D.obmen" and "Exchange key" etc and never got refusal from my bank to receive foreign card payment. Comment by which I got reply from my24pay side "Never use this website people because you will lose your money and I can proof that by screenshots or live screen programs or how you like"
    Conclusion is this that I deleted my old comment because I promised to delete and get my payment back. But I have a question that if I wouldn't write several complaints on okchanger, would they going to contact me themself? Would they going to return my money? Were they feeling responsible like other reputed exchangers that our client is waiting desperately of his own right / payment?????!!!
    BTW now I checked ny status and it's updated finally that "cancelled order by user" Maybe they wanna say that I wasn't interested to take their golden services right? So dear people who are reading my comment, I hope that you will find my comment helpful to make your decision... Goodluck.

    От umairzaheer4 ( 5.197.202.* ) 2022-01-14 05:16 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • very good site

    Money transferred successfully
    thanks for the support

    От ramihero ( 176.33.108.* ) 2022-01-14 12:03 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is great and fast

    The first time I did an exchange through this service. Everything went well, automatically. Plus and recommend!

    От vamlo ( 176.126.83.* ) 2022-01-14 10:15 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for the service

    I made an exchange for the first time. I was very worried. But I am 100% satisfied with the service. The money came to the card within a few minutes.

    От luydic ( 165.232.189.* ) 2022-01-12 06:39 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fix my problem ORDER ID 34848

    before you write that bad replay, did you chick or fix my problem my order ID 34848.
    i make that ORDER on 25th November.

    ((You are simply spamming, indicating the exchanges that we had on our site 3 months ago. This can be seen from the repeated accounts and IP addresses, they are repeated in negative reviews about us.))

    Operation ID: 34848

    От BoGazi ( 83.96.111.* ) 2022-01-12 05:31 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for your professionalism

    Thanks! As usual, everything is at the highest level! And the support is prompt and polite. Thank you for your professionalism. Especially fast today!

    От deyax ( 149.56.143.* ) 2022-01-11 01:31 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • You need another exchannger

    To get your money, you first have to write a negative review here. You will be contacted and asked to delete it, and then, perhaps, the money will be transferred, or perhaps not.

    If you need a professional exchanger, look for another one!

    Life in Ukraine is hard now, and I consider my lost $ 200 as a charitable contribution to the victims of European integration.

    От jal ( 90.188.104.* ) 2022-01-11 11:34 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchanger works stably

    I really liked the exchanger, always a favorable rate and prompt exchange. How much I use I remain delighted. I advise!

    От sedreb ( 103.212.222.* ) 2022-01-11 08:28 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • They Return my money

    Around a month ago I placed an order BTC to Payoneer. Somehow my order ID was deleted. I contact them, they did not respond. Then I came to okchanger and complaint about them. Suddenly I receive a response on OkChanger, to remove the negative review and we will return your money. I delete my complain and I receive my money back. They seems to be professional.

    От CoinoChange ( 39.33.106.* ) 2022-01-08 02:33 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I did not receive anything

    I made operation from bitcoin to Western union on 25th November that mean before 43 days I did not receive anything and also I try to contact the my24pay.com on WhatsApp, email, telegram, chat, what ever nobody answer. also I put many reviews on the web ... no answer
    Exchange request number: 34848

    Operation ID: 34848

    От BoGazi ( 188.70.9.* ) 2022-01-07 11:20 4 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Cool exchanger!

    Really quickly transfer funds! I advise everyone as the exchange rate is always attractive and does not keep you waiting.

    От guknub ( 167.99.221.* ) 2022-01-06 10:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Out of order

    The service is not working for the second day. Money is not transferred either manually or automatically. Support is not responding. Reviews on the site confirm that payments do not pass. Please block the exchanger, I don't want anyone else to be left without money. As for the reviews below with the words "Honestly" - we all know that they cannot be trusted, but we can name the authors with great confidence ;)

    Operation ID: 35145

    От jal ( 90.188.104.* ) 2022-01-05 01:14 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thanks for sharing!

    I used this exchanger for the first time, as I am looking for a replacement for the exchanger that I used before. Everything went well, the exchange was fast and the rate was good.

    От simlim ( 51.89.139.* ) 2022-01-05 06:11 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Just. Honestly. Quickly.

    I will start investing more soon, as there is no need to confirm honesty and security anymore. Thank you cool!

    От mikka ( 84.17.34.* ) 2021-12-28 06:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Responsible exchanger!

    It's just an unrealistically clear exchanger, I love it)) payments are lightning fast, like a super sonic rocket, I advise everyone. We have worked, we are working, and we will continue to work.

    От furku ( 185.22.174.* ) 2021-12-17 05:58 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    I really like the rate on this exchanger, now it's my favorite. And the transaction itself went through without problems)

    От vuknad ( 54.37.73.* ) 2021-12-13 06:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • fraud

    Has been in the past three days have not received the $420 dogs

    Operation ID: 34970

    От mms888723 ( 13.94.58.* ) 2021-12-11 04:19 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Service is what you need!

    Fixing the rate at the time of application, a short wait - the withdrawal took place. I was satisfied with the work of the site

    От roydi ( 198.100.147.* ) 2021-12-07 05:39 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fast, clear and on a normal course

    I only use this service. This is just an incredible speed of transfers. I recommend to everyone

    От fiteka ( 149.56.132.* ) 2021-12-06 04:56 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The service is super!

    USDT exchange (TRC20) - sent two transfers today, both processed in less than 10 minutes. Recently, I have been using this service often, not a single failure.

    От gogeyim ( 147.135.11.* ) 2021-12-06 08:17 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • помойка my24pay.com

    Дернул же черт с этой херней my24pay.com связаться ((( ...Обычно на нормальных обменниках нет уже каких подводных камне и подвоха обмен 5-10 мин практически в любое направления ,если требуются верификация об этом сразу сообщают на старте обмена и на видном месте и сообщают до обмена о верификации всеми возможными способами а не прячут в правилах и когда оплатил заявку завыли что нужна верификация получения монет ,больше всего порадовала ответ на просьбу вернут деньги на карту с которой была оплачена заявки в ответ я опять услышала бред про то что я должен все равно пройти верификацию а дальше дебильные отговорки все что бы задержать выплату . Поддержка тоже порадовала чуть ли не обрадовалась что вот еще один попался не любитель читать и несет хирню всякую про банк .... помощи 0 да и чего ожидать от безграмотной школьницы но у этого экзотического животного хватило ума вот на это (В предыдущем письма , вам Марина попросили сделать фото, вы все тоже скидываете и уберите пожалуйств притензию, т.к. мы необслуживпем клиентов которые пишут о нас кливету и ваш обмег будет завершен, спасиб) Убираю отзывы спрашиваю у этого не понятного организма когда мне вернут деньги на что она не долго думая врет в очередной раз (Передали возврат в банк, обратитесь в монобанк если не поступил, всего доброго.) Обращаюсь в моно банк поддержку и вот ответ (I Марина, к сожалению, похоже, что это мошенники, они себя очень странно ведут. Если они оформили какой-то возврат, то в таком случае они должны предоставить хоть какое-то подтверждение) и не кто не какие деньги не вернул ,очередной раз поддержка мне проста спиз...
    Моно банке по рекомендовали написать на эту шарагу заявления нужные чеки и прочие предоставили без проблем и объяснили куда обратится . Хотите хапнуть гемора и горя ? проеб.. ваше время деньги и нервы ? Вам сюда my24pay.com .Здесь вас ожидает полный комплект неприятностей и бонусов виде деревянной поддержка которая только и может только врать, выкручиваться и перекладывать вину на других.

    Operation ID: Operation ID: ID 34944

    От Ermak ( 109.86.159.* ) 2021-12-05 12:18 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Nice exchanger.

    I use it on an ongoing basis. Everything is fast. The support also responds quickly, without any problems. I advise.

    От zilor ( 128.199.57.* ) 2021-12-02 06:20 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I have been using the exchanger more than once.

    As always, everything is prompt, clear and problem-free.
    Thanks for the quality service!

    От surzep ( 68.183.3.* ) 2021-11-29 04:20 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Like the exchanger!

    Fast, reliable! I have been using it for a long time and recommend it to my colleagues.

    От cirka ( 51.68.141.* ) 2021-11-24 06:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fast and easy exchange. Recommend!

    Without a doubt, the best, the next exchange was successful, for a couple of minutes. I like the speed of exchange very much.

    От siltol ( 128.199.16.* ) 2021-11-22 08:35 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I liked the exchanger

    I liked the exchanger, I will use it. My first Payeer-Bitcoin exchange was quick and hassle-free.

    От gomloy ( 167.99.221.* ) 2021-11-19 06:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Интересно

    После моего негативного отзыва. Мне мигом вернули деньги в течении пары часов. Которые по обмену ждал больше 2х недель. После возврата средств, как вы и просили, отзыв я удалил. А теперь мой кошелёк и мыло в черном списке. И при чём я проверил, даже на 5 обменниках в черном списке. Вы к критике то вообще не адекватны!?!

    От supertwinlol ( 194.213.123.* ) 2021-11-17 09:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • It is 1000% the best exchanger of all!!!

    Thank you for the speed of the exchange and the good course. Responsible people work in the support).

    От kamlim ( 185.180.222.* ) 2021-11-16 05:47 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    Money comes quickly, if something is not clear, the support is very calm and patiently responds! I chose this exchanger for myself and do not go anywhere else. Thank you guys very much.

    От viknid ( 212.8.249.* ) 2021-11-10 06:44 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is very fast, super exchange.

    Thank you guys! The course is always pleasant and the speed is excellent! Prosperity and growth! I am your regular customer!

    От zopsok ( 51.68.142.* ) 2021-11-03 06:37 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Cool exchanger!

    Cool exchanger! Everything is fast, clear and efficient! I have been changing there for a long time and will continue to change!

    От zutref ( 176.126.83.* ) 2021-11-01 08:47 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • A very good exchanger

    A very good exchanger works like clockwork promptly for which I am very grateful to them! I wish prosperity to your project and all the best to you!

    От zirzuh ( 77.73.66.* ) 2021-10-29 08:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is super!

    Today I changed in this exchanger, everything is super !!!!! Quickly and the support service responds instantly !!! Thank you, I will use your exchanger !!!!!!

    От relmovu ( 37.59.104.* ) 2021-10-29 05:40 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Legit or scammer

    I have a question, why my24pay.com using another monitoring company logo without there authorization. When i am asking there live chat do you have any best****** certification or official authorization then they will no any response and live chat are unavailable. how funny.

    От sabbir ( 103.96.107.* ) 2021-10-27 08:48 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Recommend!!!!

    For the first time on this resource. Everything is very simple and cool. I liked this exchanger. The site for the user is well implemented. Well done.

    От yolto ( 138.68.69.* ) 2021-10-21 04:59 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I recommend this exchanger

    They worked great, the translation was done instantly, a pleasant operator. Needless to say, I liked everything. Everyone should work like that.

    От tepsoya ( 147.135.36.* ) 2021-10-18 04:10 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything was great !!!

    Everything is good and fast enough! Thanks to the exchanger! I will use it in the future. A very good cryptocurrency exchange rate!

    От kortinum ( 147.135.36.* ) 2021-10-14 05:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is fast and successful as always.

    This is my first time using the exchanger, and probably not the last one! Nice course, fast transaction processing! I can only recommend. Thank you for your good work.

    От comliv ( 139.99.159.* ) 2021-10-11 05:06 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Recommend!

    Everything is as usual at the highest level! Nice exchange rate and high speed of processing applications.

    От zognir ( 95.215.45.* ) 2021-10-06 04:52 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Many thanks!

    Many thanks! The transaction went through quickly, the money was credited within a few minutes, I change with you very often, I promised you a good review for a long time, catch it)

    От jerde ( 95.179.222.* ) 2021-10-04 02:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • scammers

    steal my money and never answer my emails, i send the money and then they sad that the ORDER IS PAID but i didn't get anything
    ORDER ID 34271
    They have a lot of fake positive feedback don't buy from them

    Operation ID: ORDER ID 34271

    От aliswat ( 149.255.234.* ) 2021-10-04 10:54 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very cool! Many thanks!!!

    Great service !!! Money instantly !!!!!!!!! Very cool! Many thanks!!! I am pleasantly surprised by the exchange rate and exchange rate

    От fostel ( 185.32.221.* ) 2021-09-30 04:09 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Cool service, fast and convenient !!

    Hello, today did the exchange go quickly as always.
    I use this exchanger very often, about every 5-7 days, and will continue to use it.

    От rafim ( 143.244.132.* ) 2021-09-28 04:02 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very good exchanger

    I'm always making exchange with them and they are really very faster. You can trust them.
    (Please process this order as soon as possible 34196, I think there was a bug or something)

    От Nuhaiq ( 43.228.108.* ) 2021-09-23 06:01 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • All perfectly!

    Money was transferred in a minute. Everything is fast and very high quality, I was satisfied with the work of the service. Recommend)

    От droris ( 185.22.174.* ) 2021-09-23 04:44 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fabulous!

    I have been using the services of this exchange for quite some time. Favorable exchange rate, friendly staff)

    От gokkuj ( 51.68.141.* ) 2021-09-20 04:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger.

    Thanks for the instant translation. I was pleasantly surprised for the speed and profitable course.

    От supsub ( 143.244.136.* ) 2021-09-15 05:27 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchanger is amazing!

    The exchanger is good, technical support is responsive, responds instantly. The money came to the wallet in 4-5 minutes.

    От simloyat ( 142.93.231.* ) 2021-09-10 05:09 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great service

    I am very grateful to this service, I could not make an exchange, the service quickly helped me, processed my application and I am very grateful to them for the quick technical service. Thanks.

    От lerkab ( 149.56.45.* ) 2021-09-08 04:30 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I trust the service

    Do not let you down with the terms of the exchange. I make several transactions per day. Satisfied with the work of the exchanger.

    От teltip ( 54.37.18.* ) 2021-09-02 04:44 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The best exchanger in the world!

    Favorable exchange rates. A wide range of destinations. The most professional and kind support! I recommend this exchanger for cooperation!

    От julmog ( 198.100.147.* ) 2021-08-27 05:27 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thanks! I recommend it, fast and hassle-free!

    The operation went quickly, the exchange rate is always happy, recently I have been using this exchanger on an ongoing basis, everything is fine.

    От resosi ( 147.135.11.* ) 2021-08-25 05:58 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very good exchanger!

    Very good exchanger! Funds were sent instantly! Thanks to the team, it's always a pleasure to do business with you !!!

    От doknu ( 142.93.208.* ) 2021-08-24 10:10 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Мошенники!

    Худший обменник, обходите стороной, не вздумайте тут что либо менять! Очень долго обрабатывают заявку, ни на сайте, ни в телеге вам никто не ответит, даже не пытайтесь - бесполезно. Самое главное - они обманывают с курсом, не обменник, а настоящее кидалово!

    Статус заявки: новая
    Ссылка на заявку: https://my24pay.com/hst_wEL3AslFG9zyAAHWmeELf7ZdRTnHFTwRNOQ/

    Информация о заявке
    ID 33949 от 2021-08-24 10:50:41
    Курс обмена: 1.01 Advcash RUB -> 1 Сбербанк RUB
    Сумма обмена: 23470 Advcash RUB со счета -> 23237.62 Сбербанк RUB на счет 48ххххххххх10

    Это изначальная заявка, после оплаты 23470,00 все суммы резко изменились:

    Отдаете: 23235.3 Advcash RUB
    Получаете: 23005.25 Сбербанк RUB , На счет: 48 *** 10
    Время создания: 24.08.2021, 10:51
    Статус заявки: Заявка на проверке

    Т.е. я им оказывается не 23470 оплатил, а 23235,3, с какого-то перепугу, только почему то ADVCash транзакцию перевода на 23470,00 отображает.

    Достучаться до них не удалось, тупо игнорят

    Типа выполнили заявку!!!! прислали 959руб!!!! Верните деньги, мошенники!!!!!!!

    Operation ID: 33949

    От dreyk ( 212.220.216.* ) 2021-08-24 09:04 6 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is fine, no questions asked !!!

    I liked it very much, the exchange was done quickly, I liked everything, I recommend it! Especially communication with the operator, helped a lot, good luck!

    От lartiz ( 68.183.92.* ) 2021-08-20 05:46 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Good exchanger

    The exchange went very quickly! This is the fastest exchanger in recent years! Thanks to. Good luck and prosperity!

    От zuyduc ( 139.59.82.* ) 2021-08-17 05:38 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great service!

    The best, trusted, and reliable exchanger I know. They have never disappointed me. I love you guys!

    От borko ( 139.99.159.* ) 2021-08-12 05:41 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thanks for the quick exchange

    I have been using one of the best currency exchange services many times and am always very satisfied. Many thanks to the whole team!

    От bilmo ( 103.212.222.* ) 2021-08-10 03:27 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great site.

    The technical support is wonderful, we were constantly in touch, explaining what to do. They help in everything. Even though the application was deleted, it was restored, processed and the funds were credited to the account! Just super! Well done! They finish what they started. Thank you so much for your timely help, understanding and support !!! Thanks to all the support staff!

    От totrey ( 193.31.40.* ) 2021-07-23 05:27 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thanks a lot for sharing

    In Thanks a lot for sharingmy opinion, the exceptional speed of exchange, the maximum speed of transfer to the client. I just can't get enough of having found such a service. Definitely in the TOP ...

    От norkekes ( 66.70.178.* ) 2021-07-21 05:25 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий


    Operation ID: 33000

    От bestpay ( 103.99.197.* ) 2021-07-20 05:00 3 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very cool service

    Very cool service, and the admin is super, helped in a couple of minutes to make a quick translation in the direction I needed) class guys, denyushki by the way came in 1 minute, I recommend everyone to change with them)

    От kocep ( 51.158.115.* ) 2021-07-20 06:58 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • SCAM

    They will steal your money and never answer you emails.
    Save your money and save your time.
    They have a lot of fake positive feedback

    От Adam ( 192.99.245.* ) 2021-07-19 11:50 3 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    Great exchanger! The funds were received instantly. Operators are always in touch and ready to help.

    От kavelti ( 212.8.249.* ) 2021-07-13 05:29 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • 100% Scammers Stay Away, Stay safe

    Perfect Money says that it's impossible for my transaction to go through because the account number isn't exist in PM system.
    I Sent 8 emails before they finally answer my email and say that the transaction was reversed back to the sender. And i was the sender and the receiver from Binance wallet to Perfect Money.
    I haven't gotten back my 1211 USD in Binance or either Perfect Money.
    They stole my money.
    Stay away. stay safe
    Don't get tricked by fake positive feedback.

    Operation ID: 33480

    От Sammy ( 196.151.139.* ) 2021-07-07 03:20 8 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you so much

    I am very pleased with the work of the administration of the exchanger, I want to thank the support, technical service, my question was resolved as quickly as possible, the money was credited to the account. For some reason, it was either inattention or some kind of failure on my part, but I paid for the application after it was canceled. They found everything, translated, reassured. Thanks a lot!! I definitely recommend it.

    От katamow ( 45.58.44.* ) 2021-07-07 05:27 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Worthy of the best praises!

    I planned to exchange in another exchanger, but the preliminary chatting there did not inspire confidence, then I turned here. As a result, only positive impressions, the whole process is as fast as possible, all application statuses are sent to the mail, no emoticons for you are off topic in the chat, like in some other exchangers, which make you feel like you are communicating with schoolchildren (and so you get a little nervous when you make a deal) , here all my questions were answered correctly and in detail. No pitfalls, the conditions were discussed and everything went smoothly, the right professional exchanger is a pleasure to work with. Prosperity to the team +

    От lortin ( 188.166.162.* ) 2021-07-06 05:52 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • نصابين. هيسرقوك ويقولولك آسفين

    ابتعد عنهم. نصابين والله.
    حسبي الله ونعم الوميل

    Operation ID: 33481

    От Sammy ( 102.46.110.* ) 2021-07-06 03:27 2 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • SUPER!!!

    I used to exchange it in another place, but from now on I will only change it through "MY24pay", I argue:
    1. Excellent course
    2. LTC to the card Visa - so quickly I have never received money on the card
    3. Online support, in simple terms, explains complex things.
    In my opinion, the choice is obvious!

    От lorze ( 64.227.76.* ) 2021-07-06 01:07 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • My order is not excuted

    on 3/7/2021 I created on order and I made the payment from my side and I got Email confirmation with my payment from their side , but till now my order is not executed yet , I tried to contact them vial Telegtram , Skype , Email , and Whatsapp but they did not respond .

    They are really bad exchanger , I do not recommend them

    Operation ID: ORDER ID 33482

    От abdulrazzaq ( 110.238.58.* ) 2021-07-05 01:12 3 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • КИДАЛОВО / divorce for money

    ЗАЯВКА ID 33492
    3535 rur Advanced Cash на 3500 сбербанк руб (это минимальная сумма, сделал тестовый перевод перед полной суммой)
    после перевода 3535 rur Advanced Cash

    Подтверждение оплаты принято.
    Ваша заявка обрабатывается оператором.

    Отдаете: 3499.65 Advcash RUB
    Получаете: 3465 Сбербанк RUB , На счет: такой-то
    Время создания: 04.07.2021, 13:22
    Статус заявки: Заявка на проверке

    потом время создания поменялось на 04.07.2021, 13:59

    писал в чат, письмо в поддержку через форму на сайте и whatapps с сайта
    сейчас 14:13
    никаких ответов
    3535 rur Advanced Cash for 3500 Sberbank rubles (this is the minimum amount, I made a test transfer before the full amount)
    after transfer 3535 rur Advanced Cash

    Payment confirmation accepted.
    Your application is being processed by the operator.

    You give: 3499.65 Advcash RUB
    You get: 3465 Sberbank RUB, To the account: such and such
    Creation time: 07/04/2021, 13:22
    Application status: Application under review

    then the creation time changed to 07/04/2021, 13:59

    wrote to the chat, a letter in support through the form on the site and whatapps from the site
    now 14:13
    no answers

    Operation ID: 33492

    От x3group ( 109.196.70.* ) 2021-07-04 11:16 5 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • We decided everything quickly!

    A wonderful exchanger, there were some minor problems, but the support reacted very quickly and the funds were transferred in 5 minutes) I strongly advise everyone, I will change here again)

    От jostuf ( 147.135.11.* ) 2021-07-01 05:53 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Excellent exchanger, everything is at the highest level!

    The exchange operation was carried out quickly, professionally, I have only positive feedback and will continue to recommend it to others.

    От Calipso ( 51.68.141.* ) 2021-06-18 04:59 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I am delighted!

    The exchanger is on the list of the best for me. Currency rates are encouraging. I have been working with them for a long time, and there has never been a failure. They always help out - quickly and without any questions

    От zagnar ( 147.135.36.* ) 2021-06-15 05:24 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • 100% reliable, smooth exchange.

    Hello everyone. Quite often I come across an exchange and I give you my word that this is the best exchanger that I have met! Fast, very reliable and very simple. I am very grateful for this service. Change only here !!! Really super.

    От rojoxom ( 164.90.170.* ) 2021-06-11 06:17 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you

    Fast, high-quality, with a good rate and with attention to the client - this is how this exchanger can be characterized. Thank you for being - it's a pleasure to work with you!

    От riroji ( 77.73.68.* ) 2021-06-10 04:55 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is awesome)

    An excellent exchanger, I have been working with them for a long time and regularly, payments are always clear and without delay. The support service is excellent. Thank you.

    От vebari ( 193.31.40.* ) 2021-06-07 04:55 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Grabbed money and ghosting me

    I've placed order on 5th of June. Site was promising transaction processing within half of an hour if operator is online. Turns out, site always shows operator is online.

    Today is 7th of June. I've been trying to contact their support but I hadn't received any response for all these days.

    Avoid them at any cost, no matter which conversion rates they use as a bait.

    Operation ID: 33307

    От Snawoot ( 157.90.228.* ) 2021-06-07 10:11 5 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Operational exchanger!

    And again, this exchanger turned out to be the best for me! Everything is fast and at its best! A couple of minutes and the money came to the account! Thank you!

    От lopsus ( 84.17.34.* ) 2021-06-07 04:53 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • A chic exchanger just no words.

    Dear employees of the exchanger, thank you very much for your promptness !!! We are pleased to work with you! You are great fellows! Good luck and success in your work!

    От cixepel ( 51.158.121.* ) 2021-06-02 02:14 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchange went well. Many thanks!

    Well, a very fast exchanger. I did not have time to press the "pay" button when the phone rang - money fell on the card. Thanks for the job guys.

    От sefexav ( 128.199.24.* ) 2021-06-02 05:33 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • They are a good honest exchange, but beware they do not work on weekends

    I had quite a scare with them to be honest since my payment was on hold for a couple day, but they have answered me, and paid me accordingly, they say that they don't work on weekends and it was a misunderstanding, i do believe them, great service, keep it up!

    От Gab ( 201.165.211.* ) 2021-05-31 05:21 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I recommend to everyone!

    The first time I bought a crypt in this way. There were questions, the consultant helped a lot !!! Everything came quickly. Very low lower limit for the exchange. Thanks a lot.

    От olinros ( 174.138.30.* ) 2021-05-25 05:40 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great site with a good exchange rate.

    A big plus for online consultants for prompt answers and making an exchange. Thanks to the creators for a great platform!

    От mevig ( 77.73.67.* ) 2021-05-21 05:51 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Excellent exchanger!

    Excellent exchanger, not the first time I use it. The exchange is fast enough, plus the percentage of commissions is normal. Everything is as it should)

    От mageboh ( 54.37.74.* ) 2021-05-18 04:58 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Long Wait.

    I wait for my order to exchange since 13.05.2021 and still my order is on checking.

    Order 32826

    От GamingHorde ( 109.242.227.* ) 2021-05-17 08:07 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger.

    Exactly what is needed. Namely - I, for example, need to constantly transfer from various electronic wallets to the card. I intend to use it constantly. I advise everyone. Thank you for your honest work.

    От mamix ( 103.212.222.* ) 2021-05-13 05:31 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Transcation not yet

    I waiting two days for my order 32776. But my24pay support always says -Please wait. Now the operators are busy, but soon someone will be free and will answer you!

    От hassanbd ( 119.30.32.* ) 2021-05-11 05:37 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is fine, fast and efficient!

    Excellent fast exchange, funds came very quickly to the wallet, thanks for the quality work!

    От xedev ( 95.215.45.* ) 2021-05-07 05:26 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you. Promptly. Good job.

    Thank you for your cooperation. The technical support service acts promptly, they bring each operation in detail. Craftsmen in their field, handsome. Thank you.

    От behiji ( 51.89.139.* ) 2021-04-30 06:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is fine!!!

    Very fast!!! And no problem !!! Thank you for your work!!! I recommend this exchange office to everyone!

    От magab ( 167.71.237.* ) 2021-04-27 05:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I love to change here!

    One of my favorite exchangers, a favorite, so to speak, has been in the bookmarks for a long time and have been using it for a long time, for exchanging cryptocurrencies it is the most, thanks to the guys.

    От lacov ( 37.59.105.* ) 2021-04-22 05:28 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very fast!!! Great exchanger !!!

    Thanks to the exchanger. Everything was done quickly and without incident. If you need to make a currency exchange, then I recommend this exchanger!

    От bowos ( 185.32.221.* ) 2021-04-19 05:42 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Too slow and I wouldn't recommend it

    The exchange takes more than 24 hours to confirm the order
    We regret dealing with them

    Operation ID: 17553

    От MOHAMMED ( 41.235.99.* ) 2021-04-15 09:05 3 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Instant online exchange service

    Good and first exchange website.


    100% trusted site.

    От changerbit ( 37.111.226.* ) 2021-04-15 06:33 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Перевод не получен

    Деньги оплачены, заявка висит в статусе в процессе, в поддержку никто не отвечает.

    Operation ID: 32393

    От alexdredd ( 109.163.218.* ) 2021-04-14 12:50 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great job!

    It was nice to cooperate, they worked very quickly. I recommend it for work.

    От vebesa ( 51.68.205.* ) 2021-04-14 05:42 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchange is fast, no problem!

    An excellent exchanger, they work very quickly, and also control the success of the operation at every stage. Technical support at the highest level! Thank you!

    От tasay ( 51.158.124.* ) 2021-04-10 05:37 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Satisfied with the service

    So far, extremely positive emotions when using this service.

    От papex ( 185.180.222.* ) 2021-04-07 05:32 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Зависла транзакция

    Менял LTC на сбер.руб. Статус заявки "на проверке" уже 3 часа. Деньги они получили, это отображается. В чате на сайте не отвечают, в телеграме не отвечают, трубку не берут. На сайте куча плохих отзывов.

    Operation ID: 32283

    От skdflv ( 188.66.32.* ) 2021-04-05 10:30 1 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for the professional and quick exchange

    Everything was done quickly within a few minutes, thanks. I used it for the first time. I will keep in mind for the future.

    От dukir ( 51.158.115.* ) 2021-04-05 05:37 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Instant exchange!

    Thank you very much to the team for their professionalism. the withdrawal took 5 minutes. keep it up!

    От fajon ( 176.126.83.* ) 2021-04-02 05:35 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Instant transfers!

    Thank you !!! Everything is fine and the course and the time of receipt of funds !!! The best !!!

    От fewed ( 66.70.178.* ) 2021-04-01 05:51 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I recommend!

    Fast exchange, prompt answers of the support service. I recommend )))

    От noceba ( 139.99.159.* ) 2021-03-31 05:39 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Instant exchange!

    Optimal rate, very fast translation, a small amount of the minimum transfer. Without any complications.

    От fevige ( 54.37.18.* ) 2021-03-30 05:36 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is super!!!

    The money was credited very quickly, user-friendly interface. I recommend. Thanks)))

    От wicir ( 37.59.104.* ) 2021-03-29 05:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for your work!

    I am very happy with the exchange. Fast. Good course. Support responds instantly. Great, thank you!

    От micafe ( 149.56.45.* ) 2021-03-26 08:49 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The exchanger is super !!!

    I found this exchanger on the Internet, used it twice, there were no problems. I advise everyone. Support in touch! The commission is acceptable!

    От rosikir ( 51.68.141.* ) 2021-03-24 06:33 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger.

    Works like a clock! I recommend to everyone!!! Thanks for the great job!

    От gemaboh ( 69.87.216.* ) 2021-03-23 04:15 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • All perfectly!

    Thank you! above all praise !!! I have been cooperating with you for a long time and not a single failure. The speed of work is space!

    От kihepa ( 143.198.211.* ) 2021-03-22 07:06 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The translation was fast, you are the best.

    Just an incredibly fast exchanger. Less than 5 minutes passed from the creation of the application to the transfer of money to the card! And the course made me very happy, thank you for your work.

    От beheyac ( 84.17.34.* ) 2021-03-20 06:36 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • I recommend this service to everyone!

    Many thanks to the staff of the MY24pay service for the efficiency and reliability of the exchange. Once again, I quickly exchanged cryptocurrency from a Visa card. Nice to cooperate with you, well done!

    От gafoyo ( 147.135.36.* ) 2021-03-19 06:34 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great exchanger!

    I have been using it for a long time!
    Online support is just super! Friendly, patient, efficient! Thank!

    От netavac ( 165.232.176.* ) 2021-03-18 04:08 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is great!

    An excellent exchanger, I have been using their services for several months, good rates and always a lot of reserves

    От cameb ( 165.22.195.* ) 2021-03-17 04:32 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Заблокировали кошелек

    Здравствуйте , после моего негативного отзыва (который вы заслужили тем что выполняли заявку больше 12 часов без причины), вы заблокировали мой кошелек на своем сайте , можно узнать причину ? Или вы не можете воспринимать критику ? (Отзыв после успешного обмена я удалил)

    От Fayzidin ( 188.113.228.* ) 2021-03-16 12:50 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Super mega fast exchanger!

    I express my gratitude for your honesty and efficiency. I work with you with pleasure and recommend to all my friends and acquaintances.

    От xokofoy ( 46.44.212.* ) 2021-03-16 04:45 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you for your cooperation !!

    Very quickly, the course is profitable, I didn't even expect it.
    Thank. I will contact you in the future!
    Have a nice day and major exchanges !!!!!

    От jejof ( 143.198.205.* ) 2021-03-15 04:44 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Keep it up guys.

    Very fast exchange, very convenient to work with such an exchanger, a very well-coordinated customer support team. In general, a super exchanger.

    От xiwari ( 165.22.89.* ) 2021-03-12 04:43 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Quickly and conveniently) I advise

    I am very satisfied with the service. Everything is as transparent and comfortable as possible. I highly recommend it to everyone.

    От boxes ( 51.158.116.* ) 2021-03-11 05:32 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Completely satisfied

    Everything is very, very worthy and quickly, intuitively, everything from the moment of sending the crypt to the enrollment took 15 minutes!

    От coviri ( 149.56.135.* ) 2021-03-10 07:50 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Recomend for everybody!!!

    I used the service for the second time, I am delighted. There are no words. Everything happened instantly. Courteous staff. Added service to bookmarks.

    От bewodi ( 37.14.215.* ) 2021-03-09 07:57 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great service. I use it constantly.

    I recommend to everyone! Everything is as fast as possible and with a minimum commission and a maximum exchange rate! Excellent support service! Thanks keep it up!!!

    От dadifih ( 161.35.33.* ) 2021-03-05 06:26 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you !!! Very fast!

    I use the MY24pay.com exchange office, as it is always clear, efficient and round the clock. Well done, thanks!

    От jacisis ( 54.37.136.* ) 2021-03-04 06:32 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank!!

    The exchange went through very quickly and at a good rate. This is not the first time I have used this exchanger and everything suits me. Thanks you!

    От letis ( 51.158.97.* ) 2021-03-03 06:22 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • All class!

    I always choose this exchanger. I withdraw from Payeer to the card. Everything is fine, it works quickly and accurately, the money came in 2 minutes. You are best!!!

    От Merdij ( 54.36.110.* ) 2021-03-01 06:55 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The best and fastest exchanger!

    I use the exchanger for the third time and again everything is successful. Thanks to the exchanger!

    От celani ( 95.215.45.* ) 2021-02-26 07:13 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Great, the exchange took a few minutes!

    This is not the first time I exchange on this resource. So far I'm very satisfied, I hope I won't be disappointed :). I recommend!

    От xenep ( 167.71.139.* ) 2021-02-25 06:41 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Everything is super fast

    Great exchanger. Everything is fast, clear and minimal commission.

    От pediya ( 139.99.159.* ) 2021-02-24 06:38 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Thank you! You did it very fast!

    As always, everything is fine and at the speed of sound. Thanks for your work!

    От tepidif ( 176.126.83.* ) 2021-02-23 06:42 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Fast, clear, reliable!

    Created a request with Payeer for USDT money came! The commission is scanty. Thanks to the Exchanger for the EXCELLENT work !!! Like!

    От gohaw ( 161.35.75.* ) 2021-02-22 07:02 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Very satisfied

    The site is generally superb. Everything is so fast and cool that I can recommend this service to you.

    От mipil ( 185.32.221.* ) 2021-02-19 04:45 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • Recomend for everybody!

    Hello! I am using this exchanger for the first time, everything was clear, the consultant is always in touch, everything worked out! Thanks!

    От hoyoj ( 80.74.162.* ) 2021-02-18 05:18 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий
  • The course is excellent

    The exchanges are fast, in fact, the money comes even faster than the exchange is completed on the service) Thank you!

    От befotas ( 1.225.10.* ) 2021-02-17 07:38 0 Комментарии Добавить комментарий

Таблица курсов

  Dogecoin (DOGE) Stellar (XLM) Tether TRC20 (USDT) Tether ERC20 (USDT) Monero (XMR) Tether BEP20 (USDT) Cardano (ADA) TRON (TRX) Bitcoin (BTC) Litecoin (LTC) Ripple (XRP) Ethereum (ETH) Zcash (ZEC) BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) DASH (DASH) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ether Classic (ETC) Western Union Тинькофф PayPal Perfect Money Payeer Payoneer AdvCash Visa/Mastercard Сбербанк Приват MonoBank Kaspi Bank Webmoney $kril Альфа-Клик ЮMoney (Яндекс) ВТБ24 Райффайзен PaySera Мир (MIR) Capitalist Perfect Money Voucher SEPA Cash AliPay UnionPay Neteller РНКБ Ощадбанк ПУМБ  
Dogecoin (DOGE) Stellar (XLM) Tether TRC20 (USDT) Tether ERC20 (USDT) Monero (XMR) Tether BEP20 (USDT) Cardano (ADA) TRON (TRX) Bitcoin (BTC) Litecoin (LTC) Ripple (XRP) Ethereum (ETH) Zcash (ZEC) BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) DASH (DASH) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ether Classic (ETC) USD RUB EUR USD EUR USD Bitcoin (BTC) USD RUB EUR USD USD RUB EUR UAH RUB KZT UAH EUR USD RUB UAH UAH KZT WMZ USD RUB RUB RUB RUB UAH EUR RUB USD USD EUR USD CNY CNY USD RUB UAH UAH
Dogecoin (DOGE) 1 Dogecoin (DOGE)
1 Dogecoin (DOGE)
Dogecoin (DOGE)
Stellar (XLM) 1 Stellar (XLM)
1 Stellar (XLM)
Stellar (XLM)
Tether TRC20 (USDT) 1 Tether TRC20 (USDT)
1 Tether TRC20 (USDT)
Tether TRC20 (USDT)
Tether ERC20 (USDT) 1 Tether ERC20 (USDT)
1 Tether ERC20 (USDT)
Tether ERC20 (USDT)
Monero (XMR) 1 Monero (XMR)
1 Monero (XMR)
Monero (XMR)
Tether BEP20 (USDT) 1 Tether BEP20 (USDT)
1 Tether BEP20 (USDT)
Tether BEP20 (USDT)
Cardano (ADA) 1 Cardano (ADA)
1 Cardano (ADA)
Cardano (ADA)
Bitcoin (BTC) 1 Bitcoin (BTC)
1 Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Litecoin (LTC) 1 Litecoin (LTC)
1 Litecoin (LTC)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ripple (XRP) 1 Ripple (XRP)
1 Ripple (XRP)
Ripple (XRP)
Ethereum (ETH) 1 Ethereum (ETH)
1 Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum (ETH)
Zcash (ZEC) 1 Zcash (ZEC)
1 Zcash (ZEC)
Zcash (ZEC)
BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) 1 BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB)
1 BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB)
BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 1 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
1 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Ether Classic (ETC) 1 Ether Classic (ETC)
1 Ether Classic (ETC)
Ether Classic (ETC)
Western Union 1 USD
Western Union
Тинькофф 1 RUB
PayPal 1 EUR
Perfect Money 1 EUR
Perfect Money
1 Bitcoin (BTC)
1 Bitcoin (BTC)
Payeer 1 USD
Payoneer 1 USD
AdvCash 1 USD
Visa/Mastercard 1 RUB
Сбербанк 1 RUB
Приват 1 UAH
MonoBank 1 UAH
Kaspi Bank 1 KZT
Kaspi Bank
Webmoney 1 WMZ
$kril 1 USD
Альфа-Клик 1 RUB
ЮMoney (Яндекс) 1 RUB
ЮMoney (Яндекс)
Райффайзен 1 RUB
PaySera 1 EUR
Мир (MIR) 1 RUB
Мир (MIR)
Capitalist 1 USD
Perfect Money Voucher 1 USD
Perfect Money Voucher
Cash 1 USD
AliPay 1 CNY
UnionPay 1 CNY
Neteller 1 USD
Ощадбанк 1 UAH
  Dogecoin (DOGE) Stellar (XLM) Tether TRC20 (USDT) Tether ERC20 (USDT) Monero (XMR) Tether BEP20 (USDT) Cardano (ADA) TRON (TRX) Bitcoin (BTC) Litecoin (LTC) Ripple (XRP) Ethereum (ETH) Zcash (ZEC) BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) DASH (DASH) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ether Classic (ETC) USD RUB EUR USD EUR USD Bitcoin (BTC) USD RUB EUR USD USD RUB EUR UAH RUB KZT UAH EUR USD RUB UAH UAH KZT WMZ USD RUB RUB RUB RUB UAH EUR RUB USD USD EUR USD CNY CNY USD RUB UAH UAH  
Dogecoin (DOGE) Stellar (XLM) Tether TRC20 (USDT) Tether ERC20 (USDT) Monero (XMR) Tether BEP20 (USDT) Cardano (ADA) TRON (TRX) Bitcoin (BTC) Litecoin (LTC) Ripple (XRP) Ethereum (ETH) Zcash (ZEC) BinanceCoin BEP20 (BNB) DASH (DASH) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ether Classic (ETC) Western Union Тинькофф PayPal Perfect Money Payeer Payoneer AdvCash Visa/Mastercard Сбербанк Приват MonoBank Kaspi Bank Webmoney $kril Альфа-Клик ЮMoney (Яндекс) ВТБ24 Райффайзен PaySera Мир (MIR) Capitalist Perfect Money Voucher SEPA Cash AliPay UnionPay Neteller РНКБ Ощадбанк ПУМБ


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